Well, last year I had a really good time finding out just how many great games you could blindly stumble upon for measly $5. The game was simple: every month I would go down to my favorite second hand store, Must Have Music and More, with a crisp five dollar bill and select a PS2 game from their shelves. From there the game was played and reviewed and judgment, my judgment was passed on the actual value of the game. Was it a hidden gem worth far more than its meager price tag? Or was it a pile of pixelated garbage that insulted Abraham Lincoln himself?

The results were mixed, but on the whole I would wager that I made out pretty good considering the investment versus the quantity of decent games I came away with. Whilst browsing the shelves at Must Have, I also noticed a sizeable collection of Gameboy Advance games also priced at five dollars or below, some even as low as three dollars. Come on now. The GBA has a vast library, it was a much beloved system. The games originally retailed for thirty dollars or more. Can these prices be serious? Can these games be this bad, that they are now only worth a tenth of their original MSRP? If my experience with the Playstation 2 is any indication, then there have to be some pretty decent games out there for these ridiculously low prices.
So, if you are ready and willing, and I haven't bored you to tears yet, let's set sail on another voyage of discount video game grab bags. Back in couple of weeks with our first game: Marvel Ultimate Alliance!!
Will it live up to its $5 price tag??? |
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